Here's the Deal - with Adam B MMC

Posted on June 25th 2024

It’s time for my second guest blogger, Adam B. I first saw Adam perform in January 2024 for his examination to join the Magic Circle. It was a dark, cold evening in Euston and the Devant Room had one of its biggest audiences to my memory. The hustle and bustle of the festive period was behind us, and we magicians had nothing else better to do than judge nervous apprentices. If Adam was nervous, he didn’t show it. He handled his examination with grace. Since he successfully passed, I’ve spent some time with Adam and have always enjoyed our chats. It’s wonderful to see a fellow neurodivergent performer channelling their condition into a superpower.

This summer, Adam B is appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe. If you’re attending, I’d highly recommend checking out this future star of magic. Check out his social media @theonlyadamb for further info.

What got you into magic?

A big part of my getting into magic was my dad. He was a children's entertainer when I was growing up. He was the head kids entertainer on holiday parks in the 80s before I was around and did magic, Punch and Judy, juggling, balloon modelling, etc. So I've always had a part of me that would become an entertainer, it was luck of the draw that the magic bug caught me.

What is it about close-up that appeals to you?

For me, there's something so visceral and satisfying about watching a really well-presented piece of magic. There's just something that hits me in my core. Weirdly, one of the only other things that gets the same reaction from me is seeing a really good spot in a professional wrestling match. I love that feeling and I want to be able to give that feeling to others.

Have you ever had a bad gig? What did you learn?

"Be aware of your surroundings and your props". These came from 2 different gigs. The first was my first time at the Edinburgh Fringe. I'd gone up with a comedian friend of mine and we booked a few "open spots" on comedy shows friends of ours were running. I didn't have a defined act as I was still figuring out my voice and decided to try out the paper balls over the head. It's a trick specifically for one person on stage. They are amazed, everyone in the audience can see how it's done. Great trick. As long as you know your surroundings. What had I not accounted for? The giant mirror at the back of the room facing the stage, meaning the person on stage could see exactly what was happening, rendering the trick pointless.

The second was during a trick I do with Rubik's cubes. This was before you could get all the fancy speed cubes you can today and I bought a few cheap ones. So I handed it to the guy to mix up and after 3 twists, it fell apart into a million pieces. Put a nail right in the middle of the trick. So yeah. Be aware of your surroundings and your props.

If you could only perform one effect, what would it be and why?

The Knotted silks. No question. It is my all-time favourite trick. I can (and have) waxed lyrical about it for hours on hours. Firstly, it's so simple. All it needs is two handkerchiefs. Nothing big and flashy, nothing added or taken away, and I've always loved magic like that. Secondly, It's one of those rare tricks that a person can feel happening. They can feel a knot is tied. They tied it themselves. They've tugged it and pulled on it, it's tight. Then not 1 second later it's gone. I've done this trick for over 10 years and now and again there's something new that'll pop out a blow my mind all over again.

What’s the best piece of advice on magic you’ve ever received?

"Aim to be the best-dressed person in the room, but never overdressed for the occasion." This advice has served me very well over the years, although it has given me a crippling addiction to 3 piece suits.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

As great as it would be to be remembered for decades like Harry Houdini, there are very few spots for that level of fame, and right now, I think that, here in the UK, that spot is reserved for Derren Brown. If people can look back on my career in magic and say I did good work, inspire some young magicians along the way and possibly be one person's favourite magician, I'll be happy.


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